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Hanover Parish Association Formed


Hanover and St Catherine became the latest parishes to form volleyball associations in JaVA’s continued effort to expand its administrative capacity across the country. The Hanover Volleyball Association (HanoVA) was commissioned on March 20, 2015 during a meeting held at the Sports Development Foundation (SDF) office in the parish.  The Catherine Volleyball Association (SCaVA) was established on March 29, 2015 during a meeting at Friendship Primary School.  Both meetings were chaired by JaVA’s President, Rudolph Speid.


Andrea Dehaney, Principal of Maryland All Age school in the parish, was appointed the interim President of HanoVA. She is supported by Michael Patterson – General Secretary and Nicholas James - Treasurer.  In St Catherine, Tracyann Findlay, who is currently the Treasurer of Venus Volleyball Club, was appointed as President. Paul Allen- Vice President, Mourice-Anne Hudson- General Secretary and Mark Tayor- Treasurer rounded out the cast.


“The formation of these Parish Associations is already making a significant difference,” Speid informed the media in a press release.  “Over the past two days JaVA has been conducting trials in various parishes to select players for the upcoming 2015 Caribbean Boys Volleyball Championship to be held here in Jamaica and it is the Parish Associations that have been coordinating the logistics for the trials. They have and will continue to increase our ability to spread volleyball across the island.” The JaVA boss further revealed that plans are afoot to form Parish Associations in all parishes by year end. 

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